Friday, November 3, 2017

As a blow of cold ocean air shrouds around TIntin, adding more discomfort to an already uncomfortable situation, Tintin continues to walk quietly across the deck of the ship continuing towards the Cabin of the Captain. As he walks, his left arm throbs in pain. The blood continues to drip down his hand but the young Belgian Journalist isn’t bothered by the pain. Rather, he walks in worry thinking about what has come of his beloved companion Snowy and in the grief of losing his good friend Captain Haddock. His pace continues to slow when he feels a sudden budge from the back. “Hey you, move those feet of yours faster” exclaims Igor in his deep Russian accent, “Abrahamovich doesn’t like to be made to wait”. Worried and somewhat annoyed, Tintin turns to ask Igor what has come of his friends when he looks up to see he is staring directly down the barrel of the shotgun pointed at him and wondered about what has happened in the space of just less than a day and where it had all gone south…
Tintin and Snowy waved good bye at Mr, Wang Chen-Yee and Chang and everyone else who had come to see them off as the ship sailed away into the ocean. As the ship continued to sail, the dock became less visible until it could no longer be seen. Tintin continued to stand near the hand rail of the ship enjoying the open breeze of the ocean, he smiled upon thinking of all that he had achieved in Shanghai. He managed to rescue Professor Fang Hsi-Ying, who then in turn created a cure for the ‘poison of madness,’ Rajaijah. He had also bought down the Blue Lotus opium den and had Roberto Rastapopoulos; the opium smuggling king pin arrested. He had also managed to have the Japanese troops in Shanghai withdrawn and get the better of Mitsuhirato; the Japanese spy who was also an opium smuggler that attempted to have Tintin murdered, maimed and captured for his own political gain or a few different occasions.
Still lost in thought, the young Belgian reporter was unexpectedly knocked down. Coming back in to senses and out of his thoughts he looked around to what may have knocked him over. He got up, and saw, what looked to be a young European boy running across the deck and into the hallway. Tintin at first didn’t think much of it until he realised the child had Snowy in his hands. As Tintin quickly gave chase, questions raced across the Belgian reports mind like, who was the child? Why would the child would take his dog Snowy from him like that suddenly? Where was the child running off to? As Tintin approached the hallway, he run into someone. Both people went crashing into the hallway floor, and as Tintin looked up he saw a familiar face he recognized. It was Captain Haddock. Like always, the Haddock had a strong scent of rum coming from him. “Tintin” he exclaimed, “what are you doing here?” As surprised and pleased Tintin was to see his old friend, Tintin quickly replied “Sorry Captain, no time to talk right now. Someone has run off with Snowy.” Without saying anymore, Tintin quickly hopped up on his feet as ran off leaving the Captain who was still in a slightly drunken state on the ground slightly confused. “What is this boy doing?” he wondered to himself. Tintin continued running down the hallway and ran into the entrance of the restaurant of the ship. There he spotted the young child again, holding Snowy in his hands, standing by the corner of the second entrance to the restaurant. Snowy barked at him, he was clearly uncomfortable being dog-knapped in such a manor but the boy just ignored him. Instead, he just stood there looking around, as if he was looking for something or someone. Tintin yelled out towards the boy, “excuse me, you there. Where are you taking my dog?” The child looked up and saw Tintin approaching from across the room so quickly turned around and sprinted out of the restaurant. Tintin began to give chase again. The boy ran through a narrow passage and into the open deck area in the middle of the ship. He continued to run until he got to the second hallway in the ship. Next to the hallway, was a flight of stairs which led down to the bottom hallway where the downstairs cabins were located. He continued down these stairs, all the while Tintin continued to give chase wondering where this boy was taking his dog and what he wanted from Snowy. As Tintin got to the bottom of the stairs he saw the child run into the 7th cabin on the right and slam the door shut behind him. Tintin followed and when he reached the cabin, he knocked on the cabin door. “Excuse me, could you please return my dog back to me” he yelled out towards the cabin. “Hello…can someone please just return my dog so I can leave please.” Still he got no response and no body opening the door for him. “Please return my dog or I will break into the cabin” TIntin exclaimed as he started to get frustrated. Again, there was no response what so ever. Angrily, Tintin warned, “okay I’m coming in.” Tintin grabbed and twisted to the door handle and to his surprise the door opened. He was required to break into the room.
As Tintin opened the door, a whiff of the smell of cigars hit his nose. Someone had been smoking very recently in the room and that meant the child wasn’t alone in the room with Snowy. Cautiously he walked into the room, and funnily enough, sitting on the bed with Snowy standing next to him was the child that had made Tintin run all over the boat. Snowy barked in excitement as he saw TIntin. Snowy tried to jump off the bed and run towards Tintin but just as Snowy jumped off the bed, the little boy grabbed the leash he had put on Snowy and prevented him from going any further. “Let him go, why have you taken him in the first place?” asked Tintin. The little boy remained silent. “Answer me” Tintin yelled at the boy angrily. “Do not speak to him that way” a voice from behind Tintin exclaimed. Startled, Tintin turned around to see a gigantic man sitting behind him. This man had to be easily one of the biggest people Tintin had seen in his life. He was almost as tall as Tintin was whilst still sitting down. He was smoking a cigar with one hand and had a gun pointed at Tintin with the other. “His name is Maximilien and I recommend you do not speak to him that way. He is mute. He can hear you but cannot reply to what you say to him.” His thick Russian accent filled the room. “I am sorry” Tintin replied, “but who are you, and why did you take my Snowy? And why in the world have you got a gun a pointed towards me?” “My name is Igor” he replied. “Your dog was just a distraction for us to get you here without too much trouble. For now, that is all you need to know. If you cooperate, you and your dog can both live. If not, I’ll kill you myself and throw you out to the sharks.” Igor than stood up, gun still pointed toward Tintin and looked at the little boy and gently spoke “Well done Maximilien, you can go to your father now and let him know that I am bringing the package.” His powerful deep voice was softened for this child. Which left wondering, who was this child? “Take the dog with you too Maximilien” Igor added to his instructions, but still the mellowness whilst speaking to the child was unchanged. Maximilien quietly got up, picked up Snowy who started to bark again and walked out of the room.
“Who was that? Tintin asked Igor. “Why were you so soft spoken with him.” “He is Abrahamovich’s son. Maximilien Abrahamovich. I am Abrahamovich’s right-hand man, and therefore Maximilien is very special to me too.” “Abrahamovich” Tintin thought to himself, “where have I heard that name before?” Then it came to him. Abrahamovich is the infamous Russian drug lord. The most powerful drug lord in Europe and possibly the whole world. Tintin knew very little of the man but he knew he was extremely powerful, rich and had connections all over the world. He also knew that he was very hard to reach as well and the stories he’s heard of Abrahamovich so far were from people who have heard them also not experienced it first-hand. So, the fact that he had just met not only the right-hand man of Abrahamovich but also his son was astounding. Tintin looked at Igor and asked “Abrahamovich the Russian Drug Lord?” “Yes” replied Igor in his thick Russian accent. “What does he want from me?” “You ask to many questions, little man. You will find out what is needed of you in due time. Till then stay quiet and cooperate or I will not hesitate to kill you and that dog of yours” Igor exclaimed, somewhat getting annoyed at all the questions Tintin kept asking him. “Doesn’t seem like much of a talker” Tintin thought to himself.
Just then, the door flew open and standing in the doorway was Captain Haddock! It seems as he had followed Tintin when he went running off to abruptly after their short encounter in the entrance of the hallway. He stood there with two pistols pointed directly at Igor. “Drop the weapon you scum” he told Igor. Igor slowly started to lower his weapon when suddenly Captain Haddock fell to the floor unconscious. Standing behind was a man who was wearing a large black coat over a black shirt and pants shoes. Near identical to what Igor was wearing and looked very similar too. Only thing that truly separated them was that this man was much smaller in stature when compared to Igor. “Well done Petrov” a relieved Igor exclaimed. “Your timing is impeccable, as always little brother.” Petrov smiled at Igor, then picked up the two hand guns on the floor that Haddock was carrying. He then opened his coat and pulled out a Shotgun and threw it at Igor. “You take this” Petrov told Igor, “if this one tries anything funny like his friend over here blow his brains out.” “Take him to Abrahamovich, till then I will take care of this and dispose of the body.” “NO!”, Tintin screamed as he rushed towards an unconscious Haddock. “Stand still boy” Igor yelled at Tintin whilst putting the barrel of the gun on his head. “I don’t want to kill you…yet” he said as he devilishly smiled. Igor then pulled out a knife and slashed it across Tintin’s arm. Tintin yelled in pain. “Take that as a warning boy, any sudden moves and the next time it’ll be your neck.” Tintin looked down at his arm, blood dripping on the floor. He looked up at Petrov who was smiling at everything that was happening. “Please don’t kill him” begged Tintin looking towards Petrov and then down at Captain Haddock. “Fine, I won’t kill him. I promise.” Petrov replied without dropping his sly grin. Igor held the shotgun at the back of Tintin’s neck and told him to walk. Tintin, upset he couldn’t do anything about his friend Haddock started to walk quietly out of the room and down the hallway. As soon as they were a few meters away from the cabin, Tintin heard a loud gunshot noise. “Keep walking” Igor exclaimed. “My brother makes promises to break them. Your friend, he’s dead. There is nothing you can do now so don’t risk your own life and do something you will regret.” Tintin was glum. One of his closest friends had just been killed and there was nothing he could do about it.
TIntin continued to walk through the ship and quickly came to realise no passengers were to be seen. “Where is everyone, have they been murdered as well?” snarked Tintin angrily still clearly upset at what has taken place. “We’re businessmen not savages, boy,” replied Igor. “When Abrahamovich conducts business, he clears his space of business for people’s own safety. Everyone has been made to return to their cabins and told to stay there if they don’t want to risk getting hurt or worse, killed!” Tintin snarked in disgust. They continued to walk through the ship and as they made it to the front deck and all the while blood continued to drip from TIntin’s arm. The pain didn’t bother him though as he was far too upset with everything that had happened. Tintin thought about everything that has happened since he got on the ship. He thought of his dog Snowy, his loyal companion. He thought of how he’d achieved so much in China only to be at the mercy of some Russian thugs. He began to slow down pace when Igor budged him said “Hey you, move those feet of yours faster. Abrahamovich doesn’t like to be made to wait.” Still upset and angry, but worried about Snowy, Tintin turned to ask Igor what has happened to his companion. He looked at Igor, who still had the shotgun pointed directly at Tintin’s head. From the corner of his eye his saw something that astounded him. It was Haddock, he was still alive. Tintin’s eyes lit up. Haddock signalled to Tintin to stay quiet. “What is it boy? What do you want now?” Igor asked Tintin angrily. Tintin was still in a state of shock seeing Haddock alive and didn’t reply. “I asked what happened boy? You better start walking before I decide to pull the trigger.” “Do it then,” Tintin challenged Igor. “Don’t test me boy.” Just as Igor said those words Captain Haddock had snuck behind and struck him with what looked to be a bottle. Igor fell towards on the deck, whilst glass shattered everywhere and the smell of rum filled the air. Blood started to pour out of the back of Igor’s head.

“You killed him” Tintin exclaimed in shock. “No, I didn’t kill. The man is a behemoth, a strike from a glass bottle is only going to leave him unconscious for a while not kill him,” Haddock replied. “I did however waste my last bottle of Rum, which is upsetting.” “How are you still alive? And how did you know where to find me?” asked a still shook Tintin. “I heard a gunshot as I left the cabin. I thought Petrov killed you.” Haddock opened his coat to reveal a Journal with a bullet stuck inside the cover. “I was only pretending to be unconscious so I could buy some time to help take out the two Russian thugs and the blood trail led me to you.” Haddock began to explain. “That gash looks deep, let me tend to it while I explain what happened.” So, Captain Haddock began to bandage TIntin’s wound as he explained. “As you left the room I tried to attack the other guy, but he was very quick and took a shot directly at my heart. I thought I was good as dead, but turns out the bullet hadn’t come close to piercing my body. All thanks to this journal.” “That’s amazing!” Tintin exclaimed, “but it still doesn’t how you managed to get past Petrov.” “Well…” Captain replied, “as I wasn’t actually dead I decided to use the situation to my advantage and play dead. That Russian buffoon began to drag my body by my feet, when I snappishly tugged one of my legs which startled him. Then I kicked him and he fell to the ground hitting his head against the bedside shelf which knocked him out.” “From there it was simple as I simply stripped him of his weapons and clothing so I could pass off as one of these Russian thugs and bound him to the bed using some rope I had in my coat. Just then Haddock had finished bandaging Tintin’s arm. “We need a plan now to stop Abrahamovich, get Snowy back and make sure everyone on this boat is safe.” Tintin told Haddock with enthusiasm. The young Belgian had gotten his fire back and was ready to take on Abrahamovich and his thugs. “Well firstly, we need to bound and gag Mr Behemoth down here to make sure he doesn’t give us anymore trouble later. So that is what they did. They dragged Igor across the deck, found some rope and made sure he was well tied up against a mast on the ship. From there, Haddock gave Tintin a hand gun and took Igor’s shotgun himself and they headed off to where they need to be. TIntin went towards the Captain’s cabin where Abrahamovich was waiting for him and Captain Haddock headed up to the Captain’s station so he could notify Chinese Naval ships there has been a hostile takeover of takeover of the ship they’re on by armed and dangerous men. TIntin needed to buy Captain Haddock enough time to get to the captain’s station, send the distress message and have the naval ship and its officers arrive to secure the ship and arrest Abrahamovich.
As Tintin approached the captain’s cabin, he felt slightly nervous. The man inside was the most dangerous criminal he has ever come across in all his journeys. He has met some cold and evil people across his adventures who’ve been very powerful but this was the worst of them all. He didn’t know what to expect when he got inside but the young Belgian had to make sure the people on this ship were safe and Abrahamovich was caught. He stood in front of the captain’s cabin door, somewhat nervous and somewhat excited. He knocked loudly on the door and yelled out, “it’s me Tintin, I’m ready to do business with you Mr Abrahamovich. The door opened and Tintin was met at the door by two armed Russian thugs. Both were dressed in a similar way to Igor and Petrov and both were also very large men like Igor, just not as big. They didn’t say a word and simply stepped aside letting Tintin past. He walked into a room filled with what he counted to be 12 men. All of them were armed. He also saw Maximilien sitting on a chair in a corner of the room reading a book. The child did not seem bothered at all by everything that was happening. It was like this was all a part of his daily life. He heard a bark from the other corner of the room and he turned to see Snowy inside a metal cage but still very excited to see his Belgian friend. Then out of another door walked out a man. He was wearing a grey and black suit and had blonde hair much like TIntin’s but lighter. He was holding a cigar in one hand and a glass of what Tintin assumed to be Vodka in the other. TIntin was expecting an old man to walk out well into his fifties, but he didn’t look old at all. He seemed to only be in his thirties. “Ah, Master Tintin, we meet at last” he exclaimed. Like Igor he also had a strong Russian accent, however his was not so coarse and loud sounding. Rather it was a very gentleman like voice.
Standing just a few feet away from Tintin was a man Tintin only assumed was a myth. As he began to speak, Tintin noticed that the man may have been powerful and diabolical, he had a certain elegance to him. He was extremely charismatic and had a certain charm to him. “I have some business with you Master Tintin, you have cost me a lot of money with these adventures you go on. But this last adventure of yours was what was most costly to me. You see not only did you bring down one of my most important employees in the opium drug trade arrested, you also played a part in having the cure to Rajaijah made and most importantly you played a part in having Japan expelled from Shanghai.” Tintin was confused. He could understand how having Roberto Rastapopoulos arrested and having a cure made for Rajaijah could affect business for Abrahamovich, but what did Japan and their military troops being made to withdraw from Shanghai have anything to do with it all? Tintin asked, “I can understand having Roberto Rastapopoulos arrested affects your drug trade and a cure for Rajaijah drops the poisons value, but what does Japan being forced out of Shanghai have to do with your business? How could you possibly be profiting from their presence in Japan?” Abrahamovich smirked at Tintin as he took a sip from his drink. “Did you know Master Tintin, Russian vodka, is the best vodka in the world. Its taste compares to nothing else. It is everything a good vodka should be. It is pure, it is the best.” Tintin looked at him slightly confused and wondered what Abrahamovich was attempting to tell him. “In the same way Master Tintin, war is the best way to make money in this world. Nothing compares to the beauty of war, simply because the pure hunger for bloodshed makes it the best way to profit. Do you understand what I am getting at Master TIntin?” Tintin thought to himself what a sadist this man was. He took pleasure in profiting off people killing one another. “I know exactly what you’re getting at Mr Abrahamovich” Tintin replied in disgust. “You profit off war, so the Chinese who must have been purchasing arms off you in fear off the Japanese are no longer buying. This affects your demand and supply as you’ve got the arms to sell but no longer have the demand for them.” Abrahamovich laughed, “you’re just as smart as everyone says you are Master Tintin,” he said whilst still finding the conversation amusing. Then suddenly, he went dead serious. He took long puff off his cigar, then a swig of vodka and slammed his glass down on the table he was standing by.
“Let’s get down to business, then shall we?” As soon as he spoke those words all the armed Russian men frantically began re-arranging the room. Maximilien and Snowy were taken out of the room and into another cabin, the large office table was bought into the middle of the room, and two chairs were placed on each side of the table. The table was then surrounded by the armed guards with 8 men surrounding the table while the other 4 continued patrolling the room. Abrahamovich went and sat down on his chair, pulled open a draw, pull out another cigar and lit it and started to smoke. A few moments later he looked at Tintin who was still standing and very confused at what was going on asked him “Master Tintin, why are you still standing? We must conduct business and for that I need you to sit down. Also, would you like a cigar or some vodka? It would be rude of me not to show my guest any hospitality.” Tintin walked to the chair, as he sat down he said, “no thank you, I’m fine.” Abrahamovich just looked at him as he was seated. There was something extremely unnerving about the man. Despite being charming, well-mannered and polite in the way he talked and presented himself, Tintin had never felt this uncomfortable and nervous in his life. “So, Master Tintin, I think you are an asset despite all the problems you have created for me in the past. However, I do know you will stand true to your values and would never work for me so I have only one option for you. If you value the lives of your friends, you will do what I ask of you.” Abrahamovich clapped his hands and the cabin door opened. Through it walked Thomson and Thompson who looked to have had their hands tied and had been gagged were being walked in at gun point by two more Russian thugs. Abrahamovich then said, “if you don’t cooperate I will have them and your dog killed. You’ve already lost a friend today TIntin. Petrov had let me know about your pathetic drunk of a friend Haddock and how he had to shoot him cause the man tried to be a hero when Petrov had promised you he wouldn’t kill him. Don’t be a hero Tintin like you always are. Your heroics won’t get you killed but they’ll get one of your friends killed.” “You manic!” Tintin shouted as he slammed his fist on the table. “My friends have nothing to do with this, your business is with me not them.” “Yes, I do realise that Master Tintin,” Abrahamovich replied, “however businesses are run based on negotiations and these are my negotiation terms.” “Fine, what do I have to do?” Tintin asked angrily.
Just then the second cabin door flung open and in walked Captain Haddock who was holding Maximilien at gunpoint. Snowy ran in from behind who seemed to have been freed from his cage. Abrahamovich’s men turned and faced Haddock with their guns pointed directly at him. Using the ensuing distraction as a moment to gain the upper hand, Tintin quickly leaped over the table and pulled out his hand gun which he had hidden smartly in his boots and put the gun on the back of Abrahamovich’s neck. He yelled out to the Russian thugs to drop their weapons. No one responded, instead they turned and pointed their guns and Abrahamovich and Tintin. Haddock fired a warning shot into the roof of the cabin and point the gun back at Maximilien.  “Don’t shoot him” yelled Abrahamovich, “please, he’s my son.” “Tell your men to drop their weapons and enter this cabin then” yelled Haddock in response to Abrahamovich. “What are you waiting for? Do what he said,” Abrahamovich commended his men. The thugs in the room then began dropping their weapons and walking off to the second cabin. Just as they’re all in, Tintin tells one of them to unbound Thompson &Thompson. As he finishes untying them, Thompson exclaims “Thank you Tintin those were awfully uncomfortable” as the other Thompson adds, “Yes very, thank you indeed Tintin.” Tintin replies “Thompson and Thompson, I need one of you to lock in the Russian thugs in the cabin and the other to pick up all the weapons off the floor. As the Thompson’s do the task asked of them Captain Haddock walks Maximilien and Tintin walks Abrahamovich who are still being held at gunpoint out of the Captain’s Cabin and towards the front deck while Snowy walks behind them. Just then Chinese Naval officers start to board the ship. They came and arrested Abrahamovich. Just as he is being taken away he begins to speak with Tintin “I was being a good businessman with you. I wanted your cooperation and everything would have been fine. How long do you think I’ll be locked away for? A week? A month? A year? However long it is, I’ll be back before you know it because I’m Abrahamovich. Stay cautious Master Tintin, we will meet again very soon.” “I’ll be waiting” yelled out Tintin in response, “and I’ll be ready.”

As the whole situation on the ship ended, the criminals where taken away, passengers where accounted for and made sure they were safe and the ship continued to sale to its destination. Tintin was just happy to have his beloved Snowy back. After all, this who this whole adventure on the high seas of the Pacific Ocean began because of. 

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Alister Kreft pop-genres assignment 2. Fan-fic: Tintin in the High Castle


                For my Fan-fic I have chosen to blend elements from two of the texts we studied in Pop-genres, Tintin and The Man in the High Castle. It is set in New Zealand in the 60’s after Germany and Japan won the war with the Japanese now occupying New Zealand. The main character, He, is Tintin some years after he appears in Herge’s comics though older, more weary and battle-hardened from his role in the war. Tintin or He has lived in New Zealand under an alias (Tedrik Kroos) for a few years under assignment from the Nazis, though as we know Tintin is Belgian, not German, and there are events in the past I have not mentioned that allude to the fact that He is not sympathetic to the Nazis but is forced to do their bidding; these past events also include Maria and is the basis for their relationship, which again, I have not laid out the exact nature of their relationship only that there is a history between them.
                My work takes the form of an introduction or a ‘part one’ of a larger tale and as such I have only included select components of Vogler’s (1998) mythic structure and character archetypes.
Act 1 of Vogler’s (1998) mythic structure ‘establishes the characters, setting and basic action of the story and sets up the transition to act 2.’ I believe my Fan-fic does this as I have set the scene in downtown Auckland city and introduced Him(Tintin), Maria and the mysterious Japanese man. The nature of the relationship between He(Tintin) and Maria is the central concern of the work and I have left this deliberately vague, as this is only part one. Then comes a “Catalysis” which, “precipitates the first turning point” (Vogler. 1998) when He visits the post office and finds His package is gone and meets the stranger outside. Then with the strange plastic cards they have been given as well as the appearance of the mysterious envoy at His apartment declaring “no coincidence”, I think, is an effective turning point and sets up act 2.
I have chosen three of Vogler’s (1998) character archetypes to include and analyse in my Fan-fic. He(Tintin) is the Hero of this work, He is a unique character in the world of the novel (in context of established setting) and in the mind of the reader as He is a somewhat familiar character who has morphed over time. He has character flaws; has killed in the past, suffers at times from PTSD type symptoms, visits prostitutes and lives the life of a loner. He also lives in service of Maria, to whom he gives all his money.
 Maria-Clara Goncalves-Arias is the Shapeshifter, a femme fatale of sorts. Her actions mislead Him at times and guide Him at others and are a source of suspense in the story, like when her name appears on the note at the post-office. She also, as Vogler (1998) says, ‘wears many masks’, living under an alias (Clare Gibson), outwardly she works as a prostitute, but this is not her true self, not the one He knows (but the reader does not).
The third character archetype is the Herald (Vogler, 1998), in the form of the mysterious multi-lingual Japanese man. The Herald (Vogler, 1998) issues a challenge or provides an influence over the Hero. This he does by using Maria to take the package containing His(Tintin) money or by subtly mentioning that he knows His true identity, when speaking in French about ‘le Boches’. The call to act comes at the very end as he appears and says that their meeting together is planned and that they have met before, with the reader left to assume that he would go on to clarify exactly why these events had to take place to bring them together and what will happen from there.

. . .

He woke suddenly but was slow to rise. A crack of day light through the tawdry curtains pierced the darkened room. Memories of the night before were foggy though He knew as-per their arrangement, He had to pay Maria upfront before getting into bed, His empty wallet was evidence enough.
“At least all she took was the money,” He mumbled aloud to himself, searching for His belongings flung about the room. The money was no problem, the stipend from the Reich’s office would arrive today.
Stumbling slightly as He put His feet into the heavy boots, He stepped out into the busy alley to be greeted by Axel. Loyal as any dog could be, though impetuous, Axel had saved Him from more trouble than he ultimately caused. Not nearly as inconspicuous as a small white terrier, the Alsatian was invaluable and He had grown quite fond of him.
                “C’mon boy!” and Axel was at His side. As His eyes and ears adapted to the new day He felt a pang of hunger. The first steps towards His favourite eatery were tentative as a pain behind His eyes grew steadily with every footfall.
A last vestige of traditional Chinese culture here, Happy Fortune Café was already emptying as the breakfast rush ended and busy faces rushed off to begin their days work.
He didn’t have to work today, He hadn’t in many months, though making his feelings known to His superiors was not wise nor in His nature. Besides He was being paid handsomely for what was effectively leisure time.
                “Ah Mr. Tedrik, good to see you again,” beckoned Xi, he spoke clear English, probably second-generation, though his accent was clunky due to his native inflection.
He didn’t respond until prompted a second time. ‘Strange,’ He thought, ‘one doesn’t quite get used to living under these pretences even after so long.’
                “Morning Xi, I could kill for some of your special tea, nothing fixes my hangover quite like it.”
                “No need to kill today sir, I fetch it for you right now.” Throwing up his hands in mock fright.
Your right, probably not today, He thought to himself with a shiver of doubt. He hoped it would prove prophetic.
He always enjoyed his short dealings with Xi, so jovial and polite he was. And so naïve. Though people tended to be polite towards someone with such an undeniably Aryan appearance, and when they fed Axel their scraps he could only be friendly and genial in return.
As Xi was carrying out the steaming pot, He dropped His hand down, it brushed His wallet in His right pocket.
                “I’m terribly sorry Xi, I appear to have misplaced my money,” knowing perfectly well it was being added to Maria’s retirement fund as she so called it.
                “It’s ok Mr. Tedrik, you come so often, we know you so well. You can pay next time.”
“I will have it for you by 6pm, I promise.” Relieved, He drank the tea. He considered pushing Xi’s generosity as far as a meal but decided against it.
Feeling much better though still hungry, He and Axel headed from K road to the centre of Auckland City to collect his monthly stipend. He walked this way often and today, with the sun warming His face, relished the opportunity. The harbour in the distance, colourful signs with bright characters had begun to dominate the buildings and shopfronts more progressively in recent years, but He didn’t mind the visual stimulus; though at times when His state weakened all the colours and faces of people would become too much bearing down on Him, spiralling and morphing into something horrible.
He stared at the ground for a moment, saw Axel and gave him a pat; and these thoughts were quickly forgotten when He looked up saw her being led into the foyer of a large building. Walking urgently across one street, then another, cursing the vehicles that had to go by. When He reached the glass fronted building he caught a glimpse of her dark hair as she stepped into the elevator. He panicked and began to walk inside but seeing his unwashed face and hair reflecting in the glass door, He thought of what they had said to each other and of the previous night. He breathed in and sighed, chest sinking through the concrete footpath and down beyond any hope of recovery, as being in her world made him feel many times before. Maria.
.  .  .

“Would you mind shifting there mate?” A man dressed in a suit with a thick local accent was standing behind him now, waiting to enter the building. “It’s just that I’m late for a meeting and you know those Japs are always on time.”
                “Pardon me Sir.” Cognitive faculties recovered, He thought it best to continue and collect his money. Walking once more, His stomach groaned, but she continued to occupy his thoughts. As the road began to flatten He felt exhausted and unsteady on His feet, Axel peered upwards.
With the post office in sight the pair walked purposefully past three people crouched around a man who had seemingly fallen ill and looked pale as he sat sprawled against the wall. He hitched Axel’s leash on to a metal pole outside the building and stepped up the few stairs into the building. Inside the atmosphere was busy as people queued and chatted while waiting to collect their items. This distraction turned His mind to thinking how the money would arrive this time, hidden amongst the pages of books and magazines or inside the latest electronic gadget from Germany. Whatever story was necessary to allay suspicions as to its real content, which seemed to be growing more elaborate with each passing month. Either way He didn’t fancy having to carry anything too cumbersome back up the steep city street to his apartment.
He feigned a smile approaching the desk, and continued in a manner befitting a zealous Nazi KdF bureaucrat.
                “Greetings madam. There is a package consigned to me that I need to collect as soon as possible. Here is any relevant information you may need,” and slid a piece of paper across the counter. He liked to adopt this persona as it seemed to be the most effective when dealing with people in this capacity.
                The clerk quickly scanned the document.
                “Okay, I’ll go grab that for you, have you got some ID there too hun, cos I’ll need to see that as well.”
He flashed her the passport that guaranteed His staying here in New Zealand, and she turned and went through a door to another room. After several minutes longer than expected the woman returned with nothing but paper in hand.
                “There must be some mistake here Mr. Kroos, a woman came here this morning to picked up your…” she looked down at her files, “…antiques. Came with this.” and handed Him a sheet folded in half that very plainly stated the He had given permission to one Maria-Clara Goncalvez-Arias to collect the consignment on this date. What concerned Him most was scrawled along the bottom, the signature, His.
                “Are you telling me my things are not in this building?” He glared at the clerk now.
                “I’m sorry, the woman left with them at 8:04 this morning. We had no reason to suspect it was fake”
Mind racing and a confused, rage building, He turned and walked away without another word. The sun outside continued to beat down and defy his tumultuous mood. Sitting next to Axel on the steps to the post office He began to deduce a cause for His predicament.
Why would she take this from Him, money? He already gave her any money that was surplus to requirement. And as far as He knew she did well for herself.
She couldn’t do this to Him, she had said she loved Him. Perhaps she was coerced, but by whom, still not a great alternative, but that might explain how she came to possess the elaborate forgery with His signature, somebody either very skilled or well resourced.
He dropped His head, with hands covering His eyes He didn’t see the man stop and take a side-long look at Axel.
“He is an impressive specimen; does he belong to you?” The deep voice was measured and smooth, faintly Japanese but buried under years of speaking in other tongues.
“Yar, Axel is mine.” He looked up to see who the voice belonged to. He was dressed in a grey suit with a hat, with glasses and He could see a thick moustache, but the strange man’s features were hidden mostly by the glare of the sun behind him.
“German Shepard. You don’t see many like him in this part of the world.”
“Where I am from, he is not so special.”
The man lent down to pat Axel, who happily obliged. His features still well disguised behind his hat and glasses. “I do not mean to pry but you appear to have seen better days my friend?”
He thought now about how He must look to passers-by and His thoughts struggled to contend with his current predicament and of course Maria. “It’s nothing, just some confusion between my employer and I.”
“Perhaps if things do not work out with this employer, I could help you.” For a short moment, this struck him as strange but was distracted as with a flick of his wrist a business card appeared in the man’s hand. Before handing it to him he quickly eyed the watch on his wrist. “Duty calls me elsewhere, so I must go now.”
As these words were spoken a dark car with heavily tinted windows pulled up behind him. The strange figure handed Him the card and said as he turned to get into the car. “Au Revoir. Ne laissez pas ces Boches vous descendre.”
. . .

All He could do was sit and stare as the car pulled away with the mysterious envoy inside. He didn’t believe in coincidence and this day was getting inexorably more bizarre, not helped when He looked at the card to see it was blank white plastic. This meeting had to be connected in some way to Maria and the disappearance of His money. Not only this but the stranger must also know who He really is, and his comment further puzzled him as it did not seem the stranger was sympathetic to the Nazis arbitrating His fate.
Unable to discern what He should do next, He began the walk back uptown to go home. At least there was something to eat there, even if it consisted of two ingredients, one of which would be bread probably gone stale. He never suited the domestic life.
At the upper rim of the city He looked back and gazed out to the harbour and thought of a life on the ocean and if it really was as uncomplicated as it seemed in His mind. This thought made Him remember the how He felt just a few hours ago, optimistic; and now it had all changed.
Opening the heavy door from the street he walked up the flight of stairs to his apartment and put his key in the door, it was unlocked. He froze, and Axel sensed His uncertainty and growled, recognising their situation. He drew the Kampfmesser 42 from his ankle and held it ready as He eased the door open. Axel rushed in as He scanned the immediate area for anything awry, Axel had run into the kitchen living room area and was barking so He followed a step behind.
He heard her voice before entering the room, could hear her shock as Axel gnashed His teeth at her.
“Komm! Fuss!” He barked at Axel and the dog knew to do as he was told. “Axel, setzen,” and the animal was placated somewhat.
He put the blade away and faced Maria now, “What – why are you here? We can’t be seen like this.” He fumbled as the words formed slowly.
She recovered some composure and picked up the cigarette she had been smoking before Axel startled her, and took a long drag, “I don’t know, I didn’t know what to do.” She seemed weary and spoke through mouthfuls of smoke. “They said I had to collect something from the post office for them and it turned out to be yours; I couldn’t say no – they knew about me, about us.”
“Wait, I don’t understand, who are you talking about?”
“I got a call for an appointment this morning, sounded like any other guy with money, offered me far more than usual to meet him as soon as possible, so I agreed. They – He, picked me up just after 7:30; I thought we were going back to his place but then we stopped outside the post office and he asked if I could collect something for him and when I saw the note I said there was some mistake.
“He knew my name, it was right there on the note he gave me. I said I’m Clare Gibson, born in Australia, but looking at the note, I know that he knew I was lying.” Maria stubbed out her cigarette and threw it out the open window
“Then you went back to his office, didn’t you?” His mind began to tick over as a picture of the day’s events took shape in his mind
“Yes, but how did-”
He interjected, “I saw you there this morning, if I’d known why you were there I would have followed you. Then what happened, he didn’t hurt you did he?”
“No, he offered me breakfast, then tried to pay me for my time. I refused saying I didn’t want to be involved in anything, but he said I already was, have been for a while. Then he said I could leave but we would meet again soon, and gave me this.”
She held out a plain white-plastic card, identical to the one the stranger had given Him earlier.
“No coincidence then.” And showed Maria His.
“No coincidence what so ever” The pair turned, and Axel let out a vicious bark then stopped as they stood, stunned. A figure had appeared in the open doorway, a man in a fine grey suit, holding a hat and glasses with thick, groomed black hair on his head and face. “And what a pleasure it is for us all to be in the same room together… once again.”

The end, for now.