Thursday, August 3, 2017

Vocab for weeks 3 and 4

Write a brief explanation for these terms:

1) theology

2) collective unconscious

3) aesthetic

4) What is an 'innocent reading' ?


  1. theology – the study of religion and its religious practices

    collective unconscious – contains archetypes; segment of the deepest unconscious mind

    aesthetic – a feature which is visually appreciative and appealing

    ‘innocent reading’ – oblivious of the intent behind the text; however, reading purely for entertainment factor

  2. 1) Theology - The Study of the nature of God and religious belief/practices

    2) Collective Unconscious - (n) The part of the unconscious mind that contains the ancestral memory and experience. Archetypes.

    3) Aesthetic - (adj) visually pleasing or the appreciation of beauty

    4) "Innocent Reading" - The intent to read a text without any sort of assumption or biasness. // Sources declare that there is no such thing for the reception of the message/text is dependant on prior knowledge of the reader.

  3. 1. Theology:

    Learning of the nature of God, religion and religious practices and beliefs.

    2. Collective Unconscious:

    Refers to the structures of the unconscious mind. Populated by instincts and archetypes.

    3. Aesthetic:

    A feature which is visually appealing to look at and appreciate.

    4. What is an 'innocent reading'?:

    The intent of reading a text without any form of bias or without making assumptions about the text and remaining oblivious to the hidden content in the text.
